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Canvas Prints

Our canvas prints make a really spectacular feature of any wall or chimney breast. Available in three sizes in most images, and in four in selected ones, they make a real statement in your room.

These premium quality canvas prints are hard wearing and look fantastic. Printed on heavy weight cotton canvas, and bound to a solid wood frame.

If you are looking for a really top quality piece of artwork and need light fastness and durability they are the perfect choice and will even go on bathroom walls or in conservatories and other places with high exposure to light and damp

A selection of our most popular images are shown here but if you have seen something else on the website you would like as a canvas, please let us know. It is also possible to produce bespoke sizes, so if the image size you are looking for isn't here please get in touch.

Canvas prints are made especially for you and sent out straight from our suppliers. Delivery should take about a week.  If you are fairly local to one of our bases we may contact you and offer personal delivery. In all cases please include your phone number when ordering canvas prints. We will pass this to the courier so that they can contact you if they cannot find your address. It won't be shared with anyone else and we will send you a tracking number once the canvas is dispatched.

Please note that canvas prints are a custom made item and cannot be returned for a refund as they are made especially to your specified size and design, unless they are defective, or damaged in transit. Please get in touch if you have any issues with your print.

Each image looks slightly different in different sizes, just click on your chosen size for a preview of how your finished print will look. The 110x70 cm size is best suited to wider images, and is available if the image is suitable.

The standard delivery charge is £5.95 regardless of how many canvas prints you order.

Please note; We are having issues with supply of our largest 120x80 cm print size as our regular supplier has stopped making this size. All prints are currently showing as out of stock of this size. However, we may be able to order a 120x80cm or even larger print for you, though delivery may be a little slower. Please contact us for help, and an up to date price.

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Showing 1 - 18 of 18 products
Showing 1 - 18 of 18 products

Item in Stock

Polar Bear Canvas Print