Willow workshop bookings are confirmed immediately and joining information will be sent within two days. I am currently travelling and capturing new images, and most other products will not be dispatched until early March. Please get in touch if you need something urgently.
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Product Description

Otter by the river in Thetford Norfolk

Otters are normally shy animals and successful otter photography tends to involve many hours of waiting for a  single opportunity. However, a pair of Otters frequenting the rivers around Thetford have become so used to seeing people that they will play and hunt in the middle of the day and even come out of the water to feed in clear
view of fascinated bystanders. I have still spent many hours with them, but am, at least, getting much more than the odd snatched shot!

The print is available in three sizes and two different frames. For a bit more information about how our mounted prints are made and your framing options just click here.



Otter By River Photo Print

Item in Stock (9 Available)